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Artist Management

Artist Management / Artist Manager

The Artist Manager of Wona Music Germany promotes the entire career of an artist. He or she takes care of getting the booking agents and tour operators that best match the artist's music.

The Artist Manager takes care of contracts with record companies, publishers, advertising... Together with the record and promotion companies, the management ensures that the artist is placed in the best possible media and that his products find the best possible sales. The artist manager takes care of the commercial success of his artist and participates in all revenues on a percentage basis. Accordingly, he is not interested in finding the best possible artist for an event, but in placing his own artists at the highest possible conditions. This is his task, for which he is paid. Should the success fail and the given goals not be achieved, the artist will probably look for another manager.

Dienstleistung: Willkommen

Booking Agency

Booking Agency | Booking Agent

Our booking agents, organize live performances for artists. They bring together organisers of live clubs, festivals and open-air concerts with the artist. If the artist is under contract, booking agency and record company work together on the promotion and scheduling of the artist.

The booking agents plan tours and ensure that they can be carried out. This means they organize "nightliners" (buses in which you can stay overnight), hotels, technicians and everything else the band, singer or DJ needs. The booking agency also negotiates the contracts between the artists and the organisers, takes care of marketing and does press work.

When is a booking agency like Wona Music Germany worthwhile?

You need a booking agency if you can't organise any or only small concerts / appearances yourself. But you should keep in mind that a booking agency earns 15 to 20 percent of the concerts / events income. Often other agencies demand the percentage even if the artist himself organizes a performance, this topic should be discussed with us before signing a contract. Nevertheless, it is worth working together with a good booking agency, often you get away with it cheaper than with a "management".

A booking agency like Wona Music Germany is also a huge added value for club owners. Through the network to other agencies and artists, doors can be opened that have remained closed for the club until now.

Which booking agency is the right one?

The rule here is: the bigger, the better. You should definitely pay attention to which other bands the agency looks after. If the artists are all unknown, even in the local area, it's better to keep your hands off them. If the booking agency also organises concerts for well-known artists, you sometimes have the chance to perform as a support band. It is also important that the agency has good contacts to the organizers. As you can see, Wona Music Germany is very well positioned.

Dienstleistung: Willkommen

Musik - Produktion

RnB | Rap | Techno | House

We create stories that convince and produce content that fascinates. We create relevance for your brand via public relations, social media, consumer marketing and influencer relations. We have characters in mind who can be inspired to inspire others.

Personal articles, self-made videos, private photos: Influencers have long since achieved ranges that were previously reserved for established media formats. Whether blogger, YouTuber or instagramer: We connect media, people and brands and thus create exciting communication strategies with our customers.

We believe: A good Story will always prevail, because both the inclined Feuilleton reader,

and the 13-jährige star subscriber know a alive history to estimate, if it is excitingly produced. Together with our customers we create therefore stories, which inspire.

To the product bind: Neutral buyers become fans

Journalism and marketing are growing together more and more. Against this background, branded content is becoming increasingly important. We not only provide the idea for an exciting story, but are also so well positioned that we can act as a production company ourselves. We always think like an editorial office. Our own music productions that are produced product-specifically or brand-specifically for specific target groups.

We cover all genres for new conquest of not yet reached or established areas of the client.

More and more companies do not want a neutral buyer, but a customer with an emotional connection to the product. Due to our musical background we know how to turn someone into a fan by an emotional address. We can apply these methods to almost any product.

Whether Snapchat, Instagram or YouTube: Social media channels want to be filled with content. A Facebook page and a Twitter account are good - but that's even better if you have lively content that you can transport on them. We tell the stories that Likes and Follower generate - or even stage this story ourselves through an event.

Because it's always been done that way? We prefer to deviate from the established paths. Our team identifies the touch points of a project and thinks around the corner: food and cars - properly staged - fit together perfectly for a lifestyle journalist. At the same time, we remain clearly in the connection between product and consumer.

Dienstleistung: Willkommen
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